Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Great Interview

A good interview should have flexibility and flow because you could end up stuck on a question or things may not go as smoothly as it should. When filming or watching a good interview you notice they don't interrupt each other or try and talk over each other. Flexibility can also include clarification and understanding. That will help keep the interview going and keep it professional. 

Conversational Interviews:
A conversational interview to me is basically when the interviewer and the interviewee have a good understanding of each other and can relate to one another. This type of interview would use words like "i agree" or "yea your exactly right". When you hear those kinds of things you think they have a good sense of what their talking about and it also flows well rather than being confused such as "I'm sorry i don't understand". When that happens the interviews seems to become more complex and uninteresting. 

Position of camera:
I think this is huge important part of an interview because without the camera angles and placements, the interview would look unprofessional and unorganized. The cameras have to be very distinct when someone is talking. It could be looking at an audience member, a picture on a screen, interviewer his or herself, or even the position you place the person on the screen.

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