Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sliming Palin

This article had jumped out to me because i have heard many different opinions and facts about Sarah Palin and thought I could get a closer look at her through this article. In this article it mainly brings up the different rumors that were started about Palin and how they are  true or just a mistake. What shocked me most about Sarah Palin was that the other day our teacher had brought up how Palin was asked whether she would consider going to war with Russia, and she replied with an intimidating answer with "it's a possibility." This was a huge turn off/scare to me because my classmates including me all thought the same thing, which was "There going to crush us!!." And if 25 high school students are able to realize the situation, i'm sure the rest of America is smart enough to realize the same thought. So this article just made me think twice whether or not i should believe these rumors and these so called 'great things' she has done and supposedly will do for America.
I am most defiantly a little sketched out about this so called great Sarah Palin!

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