Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Best Practices" Garden Layout

For our group our main goal is to make sure the plants grow the right way and keep all information organized. We plan on doing this by keeping track of the dates that the plants/vegetables are grown, and it's overall completion.
We also researched some of the vegetables so we could know how far of a distance they needed to be planted from any other plant then recorded our answers onto a typed document.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stop Motion Plant/flower

The flower that i would like to grow is a carnation because
a. it grows well in the winter
b. i wanted to do a flower rather than a plant so i thought that the carnation would be a good choice.
c. and it's easy to grow.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Senior Project Idea

During the class discussion i thought that Food was the most important out of the 7 different topics. 4) Food: Something that unites us all. Our food systems are there to feed the world...Is industrial agriculture a necessary means to this end, or is there a way that is more balanced to help maintain the earth's natural systems? Is organic enough to be sustainable? What is necessary to ensure benefits to the environment, the world's economy and equity among our communities?
Food was my topic and throughout the research that my group and I found, there was a lot of new information that I did not know about before.

For my senior project I was hoping to incorporate all the 7topics we have discussed in class, into some kind of video. I was hoping to try and send a message without having any vocals or writing in the video. It would be just video clips/photography and music to go along with it.
I still need to talk it over with my partner but hopefully it will turn out to be a good idea.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Initial Plant Research

Environmental Science

Kelsey Murphy


1. Strawberries

2. Daises

3. Watermelon

Strawberries are a fruit grown from the soil of any traditional bed. They are usually grown in the late spring and need full sun or at least 6hours to produce the best crop. It takes approximately three weeks for the strawberry to show growth and ripeness. They need to be separated from weeds and 1-2 feet apart from other plants. Fertilizing the strawberries is also very popular before and after harvesting. Having the site that strawberries will be grown need to be well-drained and the beds should be away from the roots of any nearby trees so it will not interfere with the fruit. There are over 200 different pests that are known to invade on strawberries, but hopefully if the right amount of care is put into them, it wont be too much of a problem. Approximately one cup of strawberries contains 45 calories as well as an excellent source of vitamin C.

Fun Fact: Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside.

Daises are considered to be one of the easiest flowers to grow. They are grown from a seed and can be planted directly into the soil of the flowerbed. They need a good amount of sunlight, but if the daisies are planted into an area where it is too hot, it should bet provided with some shade. The soil should be rich with lots of nutrients. Like the strawberries, it’s a good idea to use fertilizer to encourage healthy growth. As the daisies start to grow/bloom they will need to be separated by hand to avoid “choking”. Fortunately bugs are not drawn to daisies to keeping them maintained is a rather simple. When planting the flowers, the soil needs to be as deep as 12 to 15 inches. This flower consist of many different colors such as the original daisy with white petals and a yellow center, orange petals, pink petals, orange petals, and more.

Fun Fact: Daisy leaves are edible and can be used in salads.

Environmental Sciece First Blog

What are you most interested in learning about in the natural world?

In the natural world I am most interested in the human race, and how the body works. I also am interested in the relationship between animals and humans.