1. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what improved? How did it get better? Why?
What improved mostly in my writing throughout this year including my Internship photo essay, was my transitions between paragraphs. At first I had thought I needed most help with this, but it turned out that this was my strongest part of my writing in this project. Compared to my previous H2O photo essay i thought that this had really shown a lot of improvement.
2. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what still needs work? What do you think will help you improve? Why?
Something I feel I need improvement in is my punctuation's. Although i don't feel I'm horrible in this part of writing, i could defiantly improve in it. What will probably help me improve my punctuation's is going through books, magazines, or even newspapers and specifically looking at the different ways punctuation is used.
3. Specifically, show us something that improved and describe the path it took to get better. You can quote your article, your drafts, link to evidence, etc.
4. Describe something specific (or a few things!) that you learned about writing.